L20 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L20 1 is a postcode sector in Sefton, UK. Below is a complete list of L20 1 Postcodes (Active). L20 1 postcode sector comprises of 34 active postcodes. L20 1 sector has a population of 4, and it has 3 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L20 1 postcode sector

L20 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4
Addresses / Property Count 3
Active Postcodes 34
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L20 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-34 of 34 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L20 1AA 53.45037800 -2.99231300 N/A N/A 334197 395305
L20 1AB 53.43271600 -2.99321100 N/A N/A 334110 393341
L20 1AD 53.44810700 -3.00147400 N/A N/A 333585 395061
L20 1AF 53.44859300 -3.00368500 N/A N/A 333439 395117
L20 1AH 53.45008300 -3.00371900 N/A N/A 333439 395283
L20 1AL 53.45024200 -2.99994400 N/A N/A 333690 395297
L20 1AN 53.44979300 -3.00312600 N/A N/A 333478 395250
L20 1AR 53.45007900 -3.00442700 N/A N/A 333392 395283
L20 1AS 53.45120700 -3.00367000 N/A N/A 333444 395408
L20 1AW 53.45090800 -3.00187100 N/A N/A 333563 395373
L20 1BA 53.44876100 -3.01022200 N/A N/A 333005 395142
L20 1BE 53.45432400 -3.01139300 N/A N/A 332936 395762
L20 1BG 53.45891100 -3.01431900 N/A N/A 332749 396275
L20 1BL 53.44441700 -3.00200400 N/A N/A 333544 394651
L20 1BN 53.44458900 -3.00094000 N/A N/A 333615 394669
L20 1BP 53.44709500 -3.00119500 N/A N/A 333602 394948
L20 1BQ 53.44528100 -2.99866700 N/A N/A 333767 394744
L20 1BS 53.44711100 -3.00119400 N/A N/A 333602 394950
L20 1BX 53.44743900 -3.00493600 N/A N/A 333354 394990
L20 1BY 53.44106300 -3.00960300 N/A N/A 333034 394285
L20 1DB 53.44544600 -3.00379100 N/A N/A 333427 394767
L20 1DE 53.43423800 -3.00021400 N/A N/A 333647 393517
L20 1DR 53.45117000 -3.00062700 N/A N/A 333646 395401
L20 1EA 53.44550300 -3.00007200 N/A N/A 333674 394770
L20 1EB 53.45528200 -3.01078400 N/A N/A 332978 395868
L20 1ED 53.45227900 -3.00875500 N/A N/A 333108 395532
L20 1EE 53.44409000 -3.00022000 N/A N/A 333662 394613
L20 1EF 53.45131100 -3.01371600 N/A N/A 332777 395429
L20 1EJ 53.46921900 -2.96908400 N/A N/A 335768 397380
L20 1EP 53.44452900 -3.00170700 N/A N/A 333564 394663
L20 1ES 53.44742400 -3.00379300 N/A N/A 333430 394987
L20 1EZ 53.44538200 -2.99859500 3 4 333772 394755
L20 1HA 53.45172300 -3.00645300 N/A N/A 333260 395468
L20 1HB 53.45032200 -3.00547200 N/A N/A 333323 395311
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